Prognostic value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

The Henry Ford HospITal
CardioPulmonary EXercise Testing (FIT-CPX) project by Shafiq, Ali;
Brawner, Clinton A.; Aldred, Heather A.; Lewis, Barry; Williams,
Celeste T.; Tita, Christina; Schairer, John R.; Ehrman, Jonathan K.;
Velez, Mauricio; Selektor, Yelena; Lanfear, David E.; Keteyian, Steven

American Heart Journal, 20160101, Issue: Number Preprints;

Abstract: Although cardiopulmonary exercise (CPX) testing in patients
with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction is well established,
there are limited data on the value of CPX variables in patients with
HF and preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). We sought to determine the
prognostic value of select CPX measures in patients with HFpEF.