Author Archives: Paul Older

London Practicum 2012









Convenor Dr M. Grocott

At this time the Board consisted of: P. Agostoni (President). K. Wasserman (Honorary President). M.Grocott, M.Riley, F Kleber ,R. Belardinelli, P. Palange, J.Hansen, P. Older.

At the Board meeting it was unanimously agreed that in the event of Dr Older being incapacitated, his daughter would temporarily take over and contact the Board to organise a permanent solution.

Sponsors were; Carefusion, Cortex, Cosmed, Medgraphics, Schiller.



Potsdam Practicum 2011










Convenor Dr F. Kleber



 At this time the Board consisted of: P. Agostoni (President), K. Wasserman (Honorary President),
F. Kleber, M. Riley, D. Dumitrescu, P. Palange, J. Hansen, M. Grocott, P. Older
[Professor B.Whipp had died earlier this year]

All attendees at the Practicums were automatically placed on a mailing list. Each week or so abstracts from major Journals were sent out to all on the list.
At the Board meeting it was unanimously agreed that CPX International would underwrite any losses incurred at a Practicum would be underwritten to a maximum of US$20,000

Sponsors were: Carefusion, Cortex, Cosmed, Medbgraphics, Schiller.

Bucharest Practicum 2010









Convenor Dr Miron Bogdon











At this time the Board consisted of: P. Agostoni (President), K. Wasserman (Honorary President), R. Belardinelli, A.Gitt, J. Hansen,
 F. Kleber, P. Palange, M. Riley, B. Whipp, P. Older
It was proposed and passed unaminously that Dr D. Dumitrescu be appointed a Board member
The Society name of ISEIRE was formally changed to CPX International and registered as Charity with the ACNC in Melbourne.
The website was renamed

Sponsors were:  Carefusion, Cortex, Cosmed, Innovision, Medgraphics, Schiller

Cologne Practicum 2009

Convened by Dr Daniel Dumitrescu










Board at that time was: P. Agostoni (President), K. Wasserman (Hon. President), R. Belardinelli, A. Gitt, J. Hansen, F. Kleber, P. Palange, M. Riley, B. Whipp, P. Older

There was a Board motion to change name of Society from ISEIRE to CPX International.
This motion was passed by a split vote by the Board and a majority vote by email.
Sponsors were: Cardinal Health (Sensormedics & Jaeger), Cortex, Cosmed, Innovision, Medgraphics, Schiller

Oporto Practicum 2008


The 12th. European Practicum held at Gaia, Oporto, Portugal
The convenor was Dr Nuno Cortesao

At that time the Board consisted of
K.Wasserman (President), P. Agostoni, A.Gitt, R. Belardinelli, J. Hansen, M. Riley, B. Whipp, D.Levett, F. Kleber, P. Older,

Sponsors were: Cardinal Health [formerly Viasys – which was Jaeger and Sensor Medics]
Cosmed, Cortex, Schiller, Medgraphics, Innovision

The Practicum was video recorded and featured simultaneous translation into English and Portugese. At that time the society was called ISEIRE and the video discs are held by CPX
The Board Meeting held via email on 22nd October 2008
A website www.cpxtesting .com was setup but was not detectable by a Google search for ISIERE. Later the site name was to be changed to

Rome Practicum 2007












Covenor Dr P. Palange assisted by P. Agostoni and P. Onorati





This was the second meeting of the now Incorporated Society ISEIRE.
The Board at that time consisted of K. Wasserman, B. Whipp, J. Hansen,
A. Schols, P. Agostoni, R. Belardinelli, M. Riley, F. Kleber, P. Palange, P. Older
At this Board Meeting the Society Rule that”..two members of the Board must stand down each year” was rescinded as impractical.
The meeting was sponsored by Cortex, Cosmed,Medgraphics, Viasys, Schiller
(Jaeger and SensorMedics are part of Viasys)