Method: A cross sectional study of 70 asymptomatic male CKD patients [CKD stages 2–5 (pre-dialysis)] without primary cardiac disease or diabetes mellitus and 25 HF patients. A specialized CPX with a CO2 rebreathing technique was utilized to measure the peak cardiac output and peak cardiac power output. The peak O2 consumption (VO2peak) and AT were also measured during the test. Parameters such as the O2-pulse, stroke volume, arteriovenous difference in O2 concentration [C(a-v)O2], peak circulatory power, and peak ventilatory power were all calculated. Pearson’s correlation, univariate, and multivariate analyses were applied.
Results: Whereas there was a strong correlation between the peak O2-pulse and measured peak SV in HF, the correlation was less robust in CKD. Similarly, the correlation between the estimated SV and the measured SV was less robust in CKD compared to HF. The AT only showed a modest correlation with the CPOpeak in HF and only a weak correlation in CKD. A stronger correlation was demonstrated between the peak circulatory power and CPOpeak, and the ventilatory power and CPOpeak. In HF, the central cardiac factor was the predominant determinant of the standard CPX-derived surrogate indices of cardiac performance. By contrast, in CKD both central and peripheral factors played an equally important role, making such indices less reliable markers of cardiac performance per se in CKD.
Conclusion: The results highlight that the standard CPX-derived surrogate markers of cardiac performance may be less reliable in CKD, and that further prospective studies comparing such surrogate markers with directly measured cardiac hemodynamics are required before adopting such markers into clinical practice or research in CKD.