Author Archives: Paul Older

Average Exercise Capacity in Men and Women >75 Years of Age Undergoing a Bruce Protocol Exercise Stress Test.

Lander BS; Layton AM; Garofano RP; Schwartz A; Engel DJ; Bello NA;

The American journal of cardiology [Am J Cardiol] 2022 Feb 01; Vol. 164, pp. 21-26.
Date of Electronic Publication: 2021 Nov 26.

Exercise stress testing is routinely performed to evaluate suspected coronary artery disease in older adults. However, the available data to predict and compare relative exercise capacity in the general population were developed using predominantly younger, healthy cohorts with few or no women. This study aimed to describe the exercise capacity of patients older than 75 years who underwent a clinically indicated Bruce protocol exercise stress test. This was a retrospective, cross-sectional study of 2,041 consecutive patients older than 75 years who performed a Bruce protocol exercise stress echocardiogram that was terminated because of maximal effort without ischemia at Columbia University Medical Center between April 10, 2009, and July 30, 2020. The analytic sample included 2,041 exercise stress tests in 786 women (median [interquartile range] age 79 [77 to 81] years) and 1,255 men (median [interquartile range] age 79 [77 to 82] years). Cardiovascular risk factors and clinical coronary disease were common and more prevalent in men than women. The median exercise time for men aged 76 to 80 years was 7:22 (minutes:seconds) and for women was 6:00 and significantly decreased in both genders as age increased (p <0.001). The mean (SD) METs achieved for women and men were 6.5 (1.6) and 7.7 (1.7), respectively. Most women (85%) and men (95%) completed the first stage, whereas only 32% of women and 64% of men completed the second stage. It was uncommon for women (3%) or men (15%) to complete the third stage. Fewer than 1% of patients completed the fourth stage, and none completed the fifth stage. At all ages, women had a lower exercise capacity than men. These data allow physicians to compare the exercise capacity of older patients who underwent a Bruce protocol exercise stress test more accurately to a representative sample of similarly aged adults.

Arterial Hypertension and Cardiopulmonary Function: The Value of a Combined Cardiopulmonary and Echocardiography Stress Test.

Del Punta L; De Biase N; Balletti A;Filidei F; Pieroni A; Armenia S; Mengozzi A; Mazzola M; Di Fiore V; Dini FL; Rosada J; Virdis A; Taddei S;Pugliese NR; Masi S;

High blood pressure & cardiovascular prevention : the official journal of the Italian Society of Hypertension [High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev] 2022 Feb 02.
Date of Electronic Publication: 2022 Feb 02.

Arterial hypertension (AH) is a global burden and the leading risk factor for mortality worldwide. Haemodynamic abnormalities, longstanding neurohormonal and inflammatory activation, which are commonly observed in patients with AH, promote cardiac structural remodeling ultimately leading to heart failure (HF) if blood pressure values remain uncontrolled. While several epidemiological studies have confirmed the strong link between AH and HF, the pathophysiological processes underlying this transition remain largely unclear. The combined cardiopulmonary-echocardiography stress test (CPET-ESE) represents a precious non-invasive aid to detect alterations in patients at the earliest stages of HF. The opportunity to study the response of the cardiovascular system to exercise, and to differentiate central from peripheral cardiovascular maladaptations, makes the CPET-ESE an ideal technique to gain insights into the mechanisms involved in the transition from AH to HF, by recognizing alterations that might be silent at rest but influence the response to exercise. Identifications of these subclinical alterations might allow for a better risk stratification in hypertensive patients, facilitating the recognition of those at higher risk of evolution towards established HF. This may also lead to the development of novel preventive strategies and help tailor medical treatment. The purpose of this review is to summarise the potential advantages of using CPET-ESE in the characterisation of hypertensive patients in the cardiovascular continuum.

Exercise Intolerance, Benefits, and Prescription for People Living With a Fontan Circulation: The Fontan Fitness Intervention Trial (F-FIT)-Rationale and Design.

Tran DL;Gibson H; Maiorana AJ; Verrall CE; Baker DW; Clode M; Lubans DR; Zannino D; Bullock A; Ferrie S; Briody J; Simm P; Wijesekera V; D’Almeida M; Gosbell SE; Davis GM; Weintraub R; Keech AC; Puranik R; Ugander M; Justo R; Zentner D; Majumdar A; Grigg L; Coombes JS; d’Udekem Y; Morris NR; Ayer J; Celermajer DS; Cordina R;

Frontiers in pediatrics [Front Pediatr] 2022 Jan 06; Vol. 9, pp. 799125.
Date of Electronic Publication: 2022 Jan 06 (Print Publication: 2021).

Background: Despite developments in surgical techniques and medical care, people with a Fontan circulation still experience long-term complications; non-invasive therapies to optimize the circulation have not been established. Exercise intolerance affects the majority of the population and is associated with worse prognosis. Historically, people living with a Fontan circulation were advised to avoid physical activity, but a small number of heterogenous, predominantly uncontrolled studies have shown that exercise training is safe-and for unique reasons, may even be of heightened importance in the setting of Fontan physiology. The mechanisms underlying improvements in aerobic exercise capacity and the effects of exercise training on circulatory and end-organ function remain incompletely understood. Furthermore, the optimal methods of exercise prescription are poorly characterized. This highlights the need for large, well-designed, multi-center, randomized, controlled trials.
Aims and Methods: The Fontan Fitness Intervention Trial (F-FIT)-a phase III clinical trial-aims to optimize exercise prescription and delivery in people with a Fontan circulation. In this multi-center, randomized, controlled study, eligible Fontan participants will be randomized to either a 4-month supervised aerobic and resistance exercise training program of moderate-to-vigorous intensity followed by an 8-month maintenance phase; or usual care (control group). Adolescent and adult (≥16 years) Fontan participants will be randomized to either traditional face-to-face exercise training, telehealth exercise training, or usual care in a three-arm trial with an allocation of 2:2:1 (traditional:telehealth:control). Children (<16 years) will be randomized to either a physical activity and exercise program of moderate-to-vigorous intensity or usual care in a two-arm trial with a 1:1 allocation. The primary outcome is a change in aerobic exercise capacity (peak oxygen uptake) at 4-months. Secondary outcomes include safety, and changes in cardiopulmonary exercise testing measures, peripheral venous pressure, respiratory muscle and lung function, body composition, liver stiffness, neuropsychological and neurocognitive function, physical activity levels, dietary and nutritional status, vascular function, neurohormonal activation, metabolites, cardiac function, quality of life, musculoskeletal fitness, and health care utilization. Outcome measures will be assessed at baseline, 4-months, and 12-months. This manuscript will describe the pathophysiology of exercise intolerance in the Fontan circulation and the rationale and protocol for the F-FIT.

Exercise Limitation in Children and Adolescents with Mild-to-Moderate Asthma.

Lagiou O;  Fouzas S;Lykouras D; Sinopidis X; Karatza A; Karkoulias K; Dimitriou G; Anthracopoulos MB;

Journal of asthma and allergy [J Asthma Allergy] 2022 Jan 18; Vol. 15, pp. 89-98.
Date of Electronic Publication: 2022 Jan 18 (Print Publication: 2022).

Background: Children with uncontrolled asthma are less tolerant to exercise due to ventilatory limitation, exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), or physical deconditioning. The contribution of these factors in children with controlled mild-to-moderate asthma is unknown.
Objective: To explore the underlying mechanisms of reduced exercise capacity in children with controlled mild-to-moderate asthma.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 45 children and adolescents (age 8-18 years) with controlled mild-to-moderate asthma (asthma control test score 21-25) and 61 age-matched healthy controls. All participants completed a physical activity questionnaire and performed spirometry and cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET; maximal incremental protocol). Spirometric indices and CPET parameters were compared between the two groups. The effect of EIB (FEV 1 decrease >10% post CPET), ventilatory limitation and physical deconditioning on maximum oxygen uptake (O 2 peak), was assessed by multivariable linear regression.
Results: 62.2% of children with asthma and 29.5% of controls (P = 0.002) were categorized as inactive. Reduced exercise capacity (O 2 peak <80%) was noted in 53.3% of asthmatics and 16.4% of controls (P < 0.001). EIB was documented in 11.1% of participants with asthma. Physical deconditioning was noted in 37.8% of children with asthma and in 14.8% of controls (P = 0.013). Physical deconditioning emerged as the only significant determinant of O 2 peak, irrespective of asthma diagnosis, body mass index, ventilatory limitation and EIB.
Conclusion: Children with controlled mild-to-moderate asthma are less tolerant to strenuous exercise than their healthy peers. The decreased exercise capacity in this population should mainly be attributed to physical deconditioning, while the contribution of ventilatory limitation and EIB is rather small.

Assessment of Exercise Function in Children and Young Adults with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Correlation with Transthoracic Echocardiographic Parameters.

Przybylski R; Fischer IR; Gauvreau K; Alexander ME; Shafer KM; Colan SD; Miliaresis C; Rhodes J;

Pediatric cardiology [Pediatr Cardiol] 2022 Jan 20.
Date of Electronic Publication: 2022 Jan 20.

Exercise function is well characterized in adults with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM); however, there is a paucity of data in children and young adults with HCM. Here we sought to characterize exercise function in young people with HCM, understand limitations in exercise function by correlating exercise function parameters with echocardiogram parameters and identify prognostic value of exercise parameters. We performed a retrospective, single-center cohort study characterizing exercise function in patients < 26 years old with HCM undergoing cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). Patients with syndromic HCM or submaximal effort were excluded. We compared exercise function in this cohort to population normal values and measured changes in exercise function over time. We correlated exercise function parameters with echocardiographic parameters and investigated the relationship between exercise test parameters and a clinical composite outcome comprised of significant ventricular arrhythmia, death, or heart transplantation. We identified 229 CPETs performed by 117 patients (mean age at time of first CPET 15.6 ± 3.2 years). Mean %-predicted peak VO2, O2 pulse, and peak heart rate were statistically significantly depressed compared to population normal values and exercise function gradually worsened over time. Abnormal exercise testing correlated closely with echocardiographic indices of diastolic dysfunction. There was a trend toward increased incidence of poor clinical outcome in patients with abnormal exercise function. While adverse clinical outcomes were rare, normal exercise function appears to be a marker of low risk for adverse clinical outcomes in this population.

Prediction of Postoperative Complications: Ventilatory Efficiency and Rest End-tidal Carbon Dioxide.

Brat K; Homolka P; Merta Z; Chobola M; Heroutova M; Bratova M; Mitas L; Chovanec Z; Horvath T; Benej M; Ivicic J; Svoboda M; Sramek V; Olson LJ; Cundrle I Jr;

The Annals of thoracic surgery [Ann Thorac Surg] 2022 Jan 21.
Date of Electronic Publication: 2022 Jan 21.

Background: Cardiopulmonary exercise testing parameters including ventilatory efficiency (VE /VCO 2 slope) are used for risk assessment of lung resection candidates. However, many patients are unable or unwilling to undergo exercise. VE /VCO 2 slope is closely related to the partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide (PET CO 2 ). We hypothesized PET CO 2 at rest predicts post-operative pulmonary complications.
Methods: Consecutive lung resection candidates were included in this prospective multicenter study. Post-operative respiratory complications were assessed from the first 30 post-operative days or from the hospital stay. Student t-test or Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison. Multivariate stepwise logistic regression analysis was used to analyze association with the development of post-operative pulmonary complications. The De Long test was used to compare AUCs. Data are summarized as median (IQR).
Results: Three hundred fifty-three subjects were analyzed of which 59 (17%) developed post-operative pulmonary complications. PET CO 2 at rest was significantly lower [27 (24-30) vs. 29 (26-32) mmHg; P<0.01] and VE /VCO 2 slope during exercise significantly higher [35 (30-40) vs. 29 (25-33); P<0.01] in patients who developed post-operative pulmonary complications. Both rest PET CO 2 with OR=0.90 (95%CI 0.83; 0.97); P=0.01 and VE /VCO 2 slope with OR=1.10 (95%CI 1.05; 1.16); P<0.01 were independently associated with post-operative pulmonary complications by multivariate stepwise logistic regression analysis. There was no significant difference between AUCs of both models (rest PET CO 2 : AUC=0.79 (95%CI 0.74; 0.85); VE /VCO 2 slope: AUC=0.81 (95%CI 0.75; 0.86); P=0.48).
Conclusions: PET CO 2 at rest has similar prognostic utility as VE /VCO 2 slope suggesting rest PET CO 2 may be used for post-operative pulmonary complications prediction in lung resection candidates.

Persistent Exertional Intolerance After COVID-19: Insights From Invasive Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing.

Singh I; Joseph P; Heerdt PM; Cullinan M; Lutchmansingh DD; Gulati M;
Possick JD; Systrom DM; Waxman AB

Chest. 161(1):54-63, 2022 01.VI 1

BACKGROUND: Some patients with COVID-19 who have recovered from the acute
infection after experiencing only mild symptoms continue to exhibit
persistent exertional limitation that often is unexplained by conventional
investigative studies.
RESEARCH QUESTION: What is the pathophysiologic mechanism of exercise
intolerance that underlies the post-COVID-19 long-haul syndrome in
patients without cardiopulmonary disease?
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: This study examined the systemic and pulmonary
hemodynamics, ventilation, and gas exchange in 10 patients who recovered
from COVID-19 and were without cardiopulmonary disease during invasive
cardiopulmonary exercise testing (iCPET) and compared the results with
those from 10 age- and sex-matched control participants. These data then
were used to define potential reasons for exertional limitation in the
cohort of patients who had recovered from COVID-19.
RESULTS: The patients who had recovered from COVID-19 exhibited markedly
reduced peak exercise aerobic capacity (oxygen consumption [VO2]) compared
with control participants (70 +/- 11% predicted vs 131 +/- 45% predicted;
P < .0001). This reduction in peak VO2 was associated with impaired
systemic oxygen extraction (ie, narrow arterial-mixed venous oxygen
content difference to arterial oxygen content ratio) compared with control
participants (0.49 +/- 0.1 vs 0.78 +/- 0.1; P < .0001), despite a
preserved peak cardiac index (7.8 +/- 3.1 L/min vs 8.4+/-2.3 L/min; P >
.05). Additionally, patients who had recovered from COVID-19 demonstrated
greater ventilatory inefficiency (ie, abnormal ventilatory efficiency
[VE/VCO2] slope: 35 +/- 5 vs 27 +/- 5; P = .01) compared with control
participants without an increase in dead space ventilation.
INTERPRETATION: Patients who have recovered from COVID-19 without
cardiopulmonary disease demonstrate a marked reduction in peak VO2 from a
peripheral rather than a central cardiac limit, along with an exaggerated
hyperventilatory response during exercise.

A capaciflector provides continuous and accurate respiratory rate monitoring for patients at rest and during exercise.

Hayward N; Shaban M; Badger J; Jones I; Wei Y;  Spencer D; Isichei S; Knight M; Otto J; Rayat G; Levett D; Grocott M; Akerman H; White N;

Journal of clinical monitoring and computing [J Clin Monit Comput] 2022 Jan 18.
Date of Electronic Publication: 2022 Jan 18.

Respiratory rate (RR) is a marker of critical illness, but during hospital care, RR is often inaccurately measured. The capaciflector is a novel sensor that is small, inexpensive, and flexible, thus it has the potential to provide a single-use, real-time RR monitoring device. We evaluated the accuracy of continuous RR measurements by capaciflector hardware both at rest and during exercise. Continuous RR measurements were made with capaciflectors at four chest locations. In healthy subjects (n = 20), RR was compared with strain gauge chest belt recordings during timed breathing and two different body positions at rest. In patients undertaking routine cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET, n = 50), RR was compared with pneumotachometer recordings. Comparative RR measurement bias and limits of agreement were calculated and presented in Bland-Altman plots. The capaciflector was shown to provide continuous RR measurements with a bias less than 1 breath per minute (BPM) across four chest locations. Accuracy and continuity of monitoring were upheld even during vigorous CPET exercise, often with narrower limits of agreement than those reported for comparable technologies. We provide a unique clinical demonstration of the capaciflector as an accurate breathing monitor, which may have the potential to become a simple and affordable medical device.

Influence of extracellular volume fraction on peak exercise oxygen pulse following thoracic radiotherapy.

Canada JM; Weiss E; Grizzard JD; Trankle CR; Gharai LR; Dana F; Buckley LF; Carbone S; Kadariya D; Ricco A; JH; Evans RK; Garten RS; Van Tassell BW; Hundley WG;Abbate A;

Cardio-oncology (London, England) [Cardiooncology] 2022 Jan 18; Vol. 8 (1), pp. 1.
Date of Electronic Publication: 2022 Jan 18.

Background: Radiation-induced myocardial fibrosis increases heart failure (HF) risk and is associated with a restrictive cardiomyopathy phenotype. The myocardial extracellular volume fraction (ECVF) using contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) quantifies the extent of fibrosis which, in severe cases, results in a noncompliant left ventricle (LV) with an inability to augment exercise stroke volume (SV). The peak exercise oxygen pulse (O 2 Pulse), a noninvasive surrogate for exercise SV, may provide mechanistic insight into cardiac reserve. The relationship between LV ECVF and O 2 Pulse following thoracic radiotherapy has not been explored.
Methods: Patients who underwent thoracic radiotherapy for chest malignancies with significant incidental heart dose (≥5 Gray (Gy), ≥10% heart) without a pre-cancer treatment history of HF underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing to determine O 2 Pulse, contrast-enhanced CMR, and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NTproBNP) measurement. Multivariable-analyses were performed to identify factors associated with O 2 Pulse normalized for age/gender/anthropometrics.
Results: Thirty patients (median [IQR] age 63 [57-67] years, 18 [60%] female, 2.0 [0.6-3.8] years post-radiotherapy) were included. The peak VO 2 was 1376 [1057-1552] mL·min - 1 , peak HR = 150 [122-164] bpm, resulting in an O 2 Pulse of 9.2 [7.5-10.7] mL/beat or 82 (66-96) % of predicted. The ECVF, LV ejection fraction, heart volume receiving ≥10 Gy, and NTproBNP were independently associated with %O 2 Pulse (P < .001).
Conclusions: In patients with prior radiotherapy heart exposure, %-predicted O 2 Pulse is inversely associated markers of diffuse fibrosis (ECVF), ventricular wall stress (NTproBNP), radiotherapy heart dose, and positively related to LV function. Increased LV ECVF may reflect a potential etiology of impaired LV SV reserve in patients receiving thoracic radiotherapy for chest malignancies.

Impact of continuous vs. interval training on oxygen extraction and cardiac function during exercise in type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Van Ryckeghem L, Keytsman C, De Brandt J, Verboven K, Verbaanderd E, Marinus N, Franssen WMA, Frederix I, Bakelants E, Petit T, Jogani S, Stroobants S, Dendale P, Bito V, Verwerft J, Hansen D

Eur J Appl Physiol. 2022 Jan 17. doi: 10.1007/s00421-022-04884-9. Online ahead of print.

PURPOSE: Exercise training improves exercise capacity in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). It remains to be elucidated whether such improvements result from cardiac or peripheral muscular adaptations, and whether these are intensity dependent.
METHODS: 27 patients with T2DM [without known cardiovascular disease (CVD)] were randomized to high-intensity interval training (HIIT, n = 15) or moderate-intensity endurance training (MIT, n = 12) for 24 weeks (3 sessions/week). Exercise echocardiography was applied to investigate cardiac output (CO) and oxygen (O2) extraction during exercise, while exercise capacity [([Formula: see text] (mL/kg/min)] was examined via cardiopulmonary exercise testing at baseline and after 12 and 24 weeks of exercise training, respectively. Changes in glycaemic control (HbA1c and glucose tolerance), lipid profile and body composition were also evaluated.
RESULTS: 19 patients completed 24 weeks of HIIT (n = 10, 66 ± 11 years) or MIT (n = 9, 61 ± 5 years). HIIT and MIT similarly improved glucose tolerance (pTime = 0.001, pInteraction > 0.05), [Formula: see text] (mL/kg/min) (pTime = 0.001, pInteraction > 0.05), and exercise performance (Wpeak) (pTime < 0.001, pInteraction > 0.05). O2 extraction increased to a greater extent after 24 weeks of MIT (56.5%, p1 = 0.009, pTime = 0.001, pInteraction = 0.007). CO and left ventricular longitudinal strain (LS) during exercise remained unchanged (pTime > 0.05). A reduction in HbA1c was correlated with absolute changes in LS after 12 weeks of MIT (r = - 0.792, p = 0.019, LS at rest) or HIIT (r = - 0.782, p = 0.038, LS at peak exercise).
CONCLUSION: In patients with well-controlled T2DM, MIT and HIIT improved exercise capacity, mainly resulting from increments in O2 extraction capacity, rather than changes in cardiac output. In particular, MIT seemed highly effective to generate these peripheral adaptations.