Category Archives: Cologne

Cologne Practicum 2018

Convenor Dr. D. Dumitrescu

At that time the Board consisted of: P. Agoston i (President), M. Grocott, A. Hager, T. Takken,
D. Dumitrescu, D.Levett, M. Riley, P. Older

€2000 was made available by CPX International for the Young Investigators Award
The sponsors were Cortex, Cosmed, Scbhiller, Geratherm


Cologne Practicum 2009

Convened by Dr Daniel Dumitrescu










Board at that time was: P. Agostoni (President), K. Wasserman (Hon. President), R. Belardinelli, A. Gitt, J. Hansen, F. Kleber, P. Palange, M. Riley, B. Whipp, P. Older

There was a Board motion to change name of Society from ISEIRE to CPX International.
This motion was passed by a split vote by the Board and a majority vote by email.
Sponsors were: Cardinal Health (Sensormedics & Jaeger), Cortex, Cosmed, Innovision, Medgraphics, Schiller