Category Archives: News

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting
This will be held on Thursday 27th October 2016
at the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, Milan at 1 pm.
This will be followed by the Board Meeting.

1) Presidents Report
2) Executive Directors Report
3) The Abstract system
4) Any other business

Two new Board members

At the recent Board Meeting in Munich two new Board Members were appointed to replace the two outgoing members.

The outgoing members are Professor Franz Kleber and Professor Paolo Palange. We are indebted to both these Board members for their invaluable assistance over some years. They will still remain as members of the Practicum Faculty.

The two new members are Professor Doctor Alfred Hager and Dr Daniel Dumitrescu.Both these people will be known to many of you and we wish them all the best in their new appointment.

Dr Paul Older

The 2016 Practicum to be held in Milan 26th to 28th October 2016

European2016 Practicum on Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing 2016

‘Click’ on this link to see the entire programme for this important event.

Dear colleague,
the 2016 annual CPX International congress “European Practicum on Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing” will be held in Italy after 10 years since the last Italian edition. The congress will last from 26 to 29 October 2016 and the venue will be Centro Cardiologico Monzino, in Milan.
It is a very important event for all of us who are at the forefront in this field. Wasserman himself may come to Italy, but, since he is more than 90 years old, he could renounce.
I send you attached the official brochure of the congress with the scientific program.
The course is very intensive and gives a wide view across the CPX world.
For the first time we are going to offer three prizes of $1.500 each for the best three abstracts that will be presented on Saturday morning.

Thank you for your participation and advertising that you will give to the event.
Best regards,

Prof. Piergiuseppe Agostoni
CPX International President
Chief of Heart Failure, Clinical Cardiology and Rehabilitation Unit
Centro Cardiologico Monzino
Via C. Parea 4, 20138 Milano



Piazza Wagner, 5-  20145 Milan

Tel.: + 39 02 43 31 92 23 / 02 58 00 28 76 – Fax: + 39 02 48 51 33 53

The summary of the Munich Practicum and the photo are now on the website ( Many of the talks are on that page in .pdf format. Just ‘click’ on the link.

‘Click’ on Practicum and then ‘Click’ on Munich to view the page.

More talks will be added later.

Dr Paul Older

CPX International Inc Friday November 5th 2015. Agenda for 2014 Annual General Meeting

CPX International Inc

Agenda for 2014 Annual General Meeting Thursday November 5th

Deutsches Herzzentrum München
Technische Universität München
Lazarettstr. 36
D-80636 München, Germany

12:30 pm. Following morning session of Practicum.


  • Minutes from Zwolle Meeting.
  • Presidents report
  • Executive Directors Report
  • Treasurer’s report.
  • Future Venues for Practicum Meetings.
  • Research Arm of the Society; Extension of meeting.
  • AOB

Executive Director

Paul Older

The meeting on Perioperative Medicine held on August 29th 2015

The Peter Mac Hospital in Melbourne has just hosted a very sucessful 2nd Annual Meeting entitled Perioperative Surgical Home. The meeting addressed preoperative and post operative issues with lecturers including Professor Mike Grocott.  There were workshops on methodology for CPET and interpretation. We are grateful to Cortex for the supply of a machine and an experienced technician.

On Friday November 20th there will be a meeting at Peter Mac entitled “Robotic Surgery: Adaptive Strategies and Nuances of Anaesthesia Workshop

There is to be a EBPOM meeting on Friday 8th April 2016 at Peter Mac in conjunction with EBPOM (UK).

For more information see

All the best

Paul Older