Here are a few photos from the Milan Practicum
The 2024 Practicum will be held in Milan from Oct 9th – 11th 2024. Professor Agostoni will be the convenor.
convened by Dr Daniel Dumitrescu
There were 54 attendants from 14 countries. Of these 40 were doctors and 10 were attending for the first time.
At that time the Board consisted of: P. Agostoni (President), D. Dumitrescu, A. Hager,
T. Taken, M. Grocott, D. Levett, J. Meyer, M. Riley, P. Older
The event was sponsored by Cortex, Cosmed, MGC, Schiller and Vyaire.
The Board voted unanimously to elect Professor J Meyer to the Board
Sponsors were Cosmed, Cortex, Medgraphics, Schiller
Practicum to be held in Utrecht postponed until 2022.
The Milan Practicum was cancelled due to Covid-19 and instead a Virtual Practicum was set up.
The programme was as follows:
MGC did not sponsor
Convenor Privatdozent Dr. G. Kovacs
Appoximately US$3,500 were awarded to the Young Investigators abstracts winners.
In total the Graz meeting lost US$13,000 (€12,100)
Sponsors were: Cortex, Cosmed, Schiller
€2000 was made available by CPX International for the Young Investigators Award
The sponsors were Cortex, Cosmed, Scbhiller, Geratherm
The meeting was a meeting of POETTS, EBPOM as well as CPX International Inc.
The convenor was Professor M. Grocott
The Board appointed Professor M. Grocott to be Vice President and the Board size to be increased to 9 members,
Convenor Professor P. Agostoni
The Young Investigators Award of US$4,500 was paid for the first time by
CPX International
Sponsors were: Cosmed, Cortex, Carefusion, Geratherm, Schiller